V3.297 November 30th 1999 R32 A8

  • Revisted it up to date


  • Created and included to distribution CallSign-example script (ARexx).
  • Revisted some example scripts.
  • Improved old- and created a new Installer script. Installer V42.12 or better recommended.


  • Implemented Distinctive RING (Call Sign)-support:
    • RECEIVED_RINGSTR-ARexx command. Returns the latest RING string as received.
    • Reveived Ring string is now displayed on Incoming Call-window.
    • SET_TYPE-ARexx command.
    • SET_SCRIPT-ARexx command.
    • SCRIPT_EXERESET-ARexx command.
  • Serach loop may now be stopped with any of the Search window gadgets.
  • Match-information updated as data is found.
  • Changed delay mehanism.
  • SET_DEVICEDATAWAIT-ARexx command..
  • Changed and updated Out Log Edit.
  • Implemented SET_TASKPRIORITY-ARexx command. Use this to change the default task priority, default is 1.
  • Implemented Storage Watch. Warns if disk space gets too low and executes a Script if desired. Settings/Misc.UC
  • SWATCH_DEVICE-ARexx command.
  • SWATCH_SETALIMIT-ARexx command.
  • SWATCH_SPACELEFT-ARexx command.
  • Data Base record information can now be copied to a new number.UC
  • Implemeted Validate wait-feature.
  • Changed data format in log.receiced and log.small.
  • Implemented support for long Messages, former space was only 30 chars in List View, now stored to own file.UC
  • Data Base Add-actions are now logged to Main Log.
  • Implemented Phone line Busy checking -with Dial string, before calling out.
  • Lock functions are now appliead on Search list.
  • Improved some Error messages.
  • Implemented GUI config for Street- & ZIP-code Data Base, Settings/U/.UC
  • ZIP codes are now stored to a file with the Address (Street) name. This allows CIM to add ZIP code automatically if Town and Address data are entered.UC
  • Improved GUI. Screen height must now be at least 256 (former 200).
  • Implemented PRINTFILE-ARexx command. Prints the file to the 'Printer at'-destination, specified in Settings/Misc. Usage: PRINTFILE "drive:path/theFile"
  • Release number is now implemented and can be obtained from Main Window, and with ARexx command RELEASE_NUMER.
  • CIM's Internal Status display moved from Settings/Service to Main window.
  • Msg Action-gadget inplemented to In Log-window. With it the message may be Read, Printed and Deleted from the log.UC
  • Search result list is now re-created if just Deleted or Renamed file is found in the previous one.
  • Implemented Add Extra Info gadget for Settings/Logs/Device Log. If enabled will include CIM Date and Time information to this Log.
  • Bold typeface is now controllable. Settings/GUI.
  • Changed 'MESSAGE = ' keyword default to 'MESG = '.
  • Changed 'PRIVATE' keyword default to 'NMBR = P'.
  • Changed 'OUT OF RANGE' keyword default to 'NMBR = O'.
    Implemented - once again - real gadgets to ListView u/d so it should be more system friendly.
  • Implemented DEVICE_ASCII_WRITE-ARexx command.
  • Implemented INACTIVE_RESET-ARexx command, resets Inactivity counter.
  • Implemented WINDOW_CLEANUP-ARexx command, will close all the windows (except Input and Incoming Call) and go to Squeezed mode. It will also reset to Latest Caller data if Incoming call is not going on.
  • Implemented support for Inactivity Script. Its configurations are on Settings/Service/.
  • Implemented DEVICE_OCP-ARexx command. Returns 5 if Incoming call process is currently going on, or if Internal Status is not Online.
  • Draw Icons setting implemented. Settings/GUI/.
  • The default Data Field content may now be configured from Settings/U/.
  • Scripts are now executed if the Disk Icon-gadget is altered 3 times. Removed now-gadgets from Settings/Service
  • String gadget activation may now be disabled from Settings/GUI.
  • If Data Edit is in progress when Incoming call is reveiced, then the Data Edit will be proceed after the call.
  • Implemented partial OwnDevUnit-support. The device is currenty only obtained with ODU.
  • Implemented simple GUI suport for OwnDevUnit.
  • Implemented String-activation for Data Base /Modify. If some fields are left empty, the first emty field is activated automatically.
  • Localed time information -update is now used wider.
  • Implemented Additional Action Options-window, currently used in Print-function.
  • Implemented START_SCRAMBLE-ARexx command, removed Scramble Query.
  • Improved Device log writings.
  • Debug information is now logged to a file: RAM:CIM_DebugData.
  • Implemented new Tab for Debug configurations (Settings/D), Replaced Debug window open-gadget with String gadget Activation and implemented to Settings/D Debug Set Number- and Debug On-gadgets.
  • Implemented DEVICE_ENTER ARexx command.
  • Implemented DEVICE_WRITE ARexx command.
  • Implemented Include Pre File-Query for Printings.
  • Cleaned Settings/Scripts window layout.
  • User plugin executions are now logged to Main Log.
  • Implemented DEVICE_HU ARexx command.
  • Implemented DEVICE_PH ARexx command.
  • Some changes made to Main Log format.
  • Renameings are now logged to Main Log.
  • File deletigs are now logged to Main Log.
  • Implemented CURRENT_PLUGINNAME ARexx command.
  • Implemented CURRENT_PLUGINNMBR ARexx command.
  • Implemented USE_PLUGINNMBR-ARexx command.
  • Implemented support for multiple 3rd party plugins.
  • Some old data were still included to the record when Data Base /Add was used. This bug was only paritialy fixed in the previous release. Now finally fixed, I hope.
  • Delete /Rename caused errors if Search window was open. Fixed.
  • Thinpaz fonts were not used in Data Edit. Fixed.
  • Fixed 3rd party plugin execution from Data Base Browse-window.
  • Fixed few bugs in Search (never ending loop situation and incorrect data value if odd files are found).
  • Browse window is now updated after Data Edit.
  • Device was not closed if tried to open it when an another program had it open. Fixed.
  • In-/Out List View's date information are now updated automatically when the date type is changed.
  • Fixed ARexx Log-bug.
  • Many, many other bugs also removed.
V2.749 February 27th 1999 R31 A7

  • Weekday information on the latest caller is now displayed.
  • Optimized some code.
  • Implemented Make a New Search-query to Search-window.
  • Main window is now updated if Cancel Current at GUI-settings and at on Cancel are used.
  • If Time & Date format is changed then Call Counter- and Latest caller information are updated.
  • Better Print handling (Rewroted).
  • The original ThinPaz-font is now used if desired. Config for it from Settings/GUI/Use original ThinPaz-font. The font must be present at FONTS:.
  • In- /Out Log Delete /Start new now renames the log with start and end date.
  • Improved some ARexx commands, implemented new RC.
  • Implemented Disk icon which replaces the D-gadgets.
  • Current weekday information is now present in Main window.
  • Main window Quit gadget now causes a Query reguester.
  • Improved RG-support - Settings /Misc Even Printout width is now used in RG, even if not selected.
  • Implemented Printer Pre file support, Settings/Misc.
  • CIM's Printer at-setting is now also exported to RG.
  • Implemented custom Cycle gadget - used currently in Settings/Device-, /Service- and /Gui.
  • Scramble is now asked to run after Startup.
  • Pickup and Answer should now work better.
  • In Log Duration implemented.
  • Implemented Voice Mode respond detection and config.
  • If a record did not exists then the In Log was not updated correctly (Date & Time and Former WeekDay). Fixed.
  • Old record Date and Time informations were included sometimes to new records when Data Base /Add was used. Fixed.
  • If modem was switched off when online and turned again on, no new calls were accepted unitil a reset was made manually. Fixed.
  • DEVICE_RESET-ARexx command did not work if used in Reset after Open /Call-mode was off. Fixed.
  • Many many other bugs also removed.
WWW January 26th 1999
  • Renamed main.html on the Support Site. Thanks Martin!
V2.501b January 27th 1999 R30 A6
  • Some small changes to support files.
V2.501 January 15th 1999 R29 A5
  • Log created- and Total number of records information are now present in Out-/In Logs window.
  • Out Voice call-duration implemented.
  • Caller data-directrory is now created if not present.
  • Improved Request Commands-log writings.
  • RG- and Scramble plugins can not be executed anymore if rexxhost.library is not present.
  • Adjusted some Settings presets.
  • Esc reset-bug fixed.
  • Settings /Service-gadgets were closed if Input window was opened-bug fixed.
  • Calling out weekday-bug fixed.
  • Many many other bugs also removed.
V2.401 January 5th 1999 R28 A4
  • Weekday information now included to Out Log.
  • Implemented DATA_ALTERED-ARexx command.
  • Implemented MESSAGE_MAKE-ARexx command.
  • Implemented Locks for file loadings.
  • Implemented Seek for OK respond-gadget to Settings/Device.
  • Implemented Reset after Open /Call-gadget to Settings/Device.
  • Implemented DEVICE_RESET_NO-ARexx command.
  • Implemented DEVICE_RESET_YES-ARexx command.
  • Implemented DEVICE_SEEKOK_NO-ARexx command.
  • Implemented DEVICE_SEEKOK_YES-ARexx command.
  • Weekday information is now included to In Log.
  • In- and Out List View windows are now wider.
  • In Log /Action Date /Time-bug fixed.
  • Fixed some bugs in SETTINGS_LOAD ARexx command.
  • Many other bugs also removed.
V2.297 December 19th 1998 R27 A3
  • Implemented Request Commands-log writing with gui config.
  • Small Log writings can now be disabled from Settings/Logs.
  • RESULT is now also written to log.ARexxcommands-file.
  • Fixed someARexx Log-bugs.
V2.277 December 12th 1998 R26 A2
  • Implemented IN_COMMENT "string to search"-ARexx command, works the same way as IN_NAME.
  • Implemented nicer Data Base Browse- and Incomig Call-window updates.

  • Fixed Comment field display-bug.
  • Fixed CURRENT_UNIT-ARexx command bug.
  • Fixed VERSION_COMMANDSET-ARexx command bug.
  • Many other bugs also removed.
V2.258 December 7th 1998 R25
  • Implemented IN_NAME "string to search"-ARexx command, RC=0 if the given CASE sensitive string is found from Name-field, else RC=5.

  • Fixed some bugs.
V2.237 November 30th 1998 R24 A1
  • If Scramble plugin is present then it can be started if desired when Data Base-window is opened.
  • Implemented Name-reset.
  • ARexx commands are now handled more frequentely.
  • Started the work with Scramble-plugin.
  • Removed obsolote ON SERVICE SPAN START/Keep Device/Release Device/Quit CIM from Settings/Service - these functions can be done thru ARexx.
  • Implemented GUI_UPDATE-ARexx command.
  • Implemented ?ARexxPort-Request command.
  • Implemented support for Scramble plugin.
  • Name string gadget activation implemented for Add.
  • Made some more improvements for Search and Browse behavior.
  • Made some internal changes to Plugin request commands and updated the Details Documentation.

  • Fixed ?RecordDataPath Query-command bug
  • Many other bugs also removed.
V2.155 November 4th 1998 R23
  • Search window is no more closed and cleared if Modify is choosed from Data Base Browse window.
  • Implemented wider Plugin support - now the user can specify the file name and what data is included in it.
  • Search Progress Indicator is updated now more frequentely.

  • Some bugs fixed.
V2.120 October 23rd 1998 R22
  • Device is now closed and reopened after anotherprogram-status, (Some 3rd party serial cards may need this). Replaced obsolote 'Debug beeps' with Reopen Device after 'anotherprogram' (Settings/Misc).
  • ThinPazB font is now required. Install it to FONTS: ThinpazB is available from Aminet ThinpazB.lha
  • Implemented Progress Indicator to Search-window.
  • Implemented Plugin Configuration Page (Settings/Plugins).
  • Implemented wider Plugin support - now also 3rd party Plugins are supported. The Plugin's are accessable from Data Base Browse-window.
    NOTE: Plugins execution are only available for registered users.
  • Search loop is now canceled if Device activity is found.
  • Data Base Browse window is now smaller.
  • Implemented Change Task Priority Dynamically config (Settings/Misc). If enabled this will change the priority of CIM to 1 when in normal stage, when in a loop then 0 so CIM is not not draining all the available power to it self.

  • Many of Search List View bugs removed.
  • Some other bugs also removed.
V2.051 October 14th 1998 R21
  • Task Priority is now set internally to 1.
  • CURRENT_CALLERTYPE ARexx command implemented. Returns the Type of current caller data.

  • ARexx script execution for Extra was broken, fixed.
  • Some other bugs also removed.
V2.041 September 29th 1998 R20
  • Make Enters is now configurable Settings/Misc
  • New Search is not performed always any more - only if needed.
  • Version string is now properly implemented.
  • AREXX SUPPORT is finally implemented with rexxhost.library. ARexx Port name is CIM (assign CIM:) and any additional copies: CIM_1, CIM_2 (assigns: CIM_1:, CIM_2:) etc. Supported ARexx Commands are the same as the former FRC ones and some new ones, but - sign is replaced with _ and the command may be in lower- /upper case, however UPPER CASE is preferred, example: rx 'address CIM DEVICE_RELEASE'.
    NOTE: FRC support has been removed.

    NOTE: AreaCode data is now shared with all running copies of CIM and the data file itself should be moved from CIM:CallerData/ to root of CIM:.

  • Query window text is now rendered more nicely.
  • Resume- and Script-files are now pre-created for text editors so its now possible to use Annotate (Program by Doug Bakewell) and other excellent editors.
  • Caller Call Counter may now be reseted from Data Base/Modify/R.
  • Print output destination is now freely configurable from Settings/Misc/Printer at.
  • Resume file may now be Read/Printed, Edited /Printed from the old Read R. and Edit R.-gadgets.
  • ReferenceGenerator-plugin support ready. Registered users of CIM may request a beta version of ReferenceGenerator from the author:
  • Implemented Password Lock (Squeezed) and GUI Configurations for it (Settings/Gui/).
    Password Lock may also be enabled /disabled from the keyboard - just enter the password when one of the CIM's window is active. If there is no match then it will be sent to the device. Note: You must have enabled Send keystorkes to Device to use this feature (Settings/Misc/).CAUTION: The password is not currently scrambled any way.
  • Implemented Password Lock Log-writings.
  • Optimized MainLog writings.
  • CIM now barfs if no matching AreaCode is found.
  • Implemented Device NO DIAL TONE Respond-detection.

  • Quit impossible if not online-bug fixed.
  • About Memory Info Update-bug fixed.
  • Many, many other bugs also removed.
V1.881 July 31st 1998 R19
  • Keystorkes are now buffered and are sent at once.
  • Support for HeadSet implemented. Postfix - if specified in Settings /Codes it will be added to the end of outgoing call String allowing to direct the outgoing call to a HeadSet etc. (H).
  • In- and Out Logs may now be disabled /enabled from Settings/Logs.
  • Implemented Script Execution Delay and Extra Script which will be executed for every Call when the specified amount of RING's are received.
  • Implemented Settngs/CID/Cuts/Define where the Cut Code and number Right Cut can be configured.
  • Implemented Device ERROR Respond-detection and string gadget.
  • Implemented Device BUSY Respond-detection.
  • Implemented Device NO DIALTONE Respond-detection.
  • String Search is now performed on the whole Datafile insteadt only the Name-field. To limit the search only to names - checkmark Only Name-gadget.
  • Implemented SEARCH IN PROGRESS-message for Search window.
  • Implemented Match-counter for Search

  • Open Device on Startup-gadget bug.
  • Many other bugs also removed.

Note: Only a small sampling of versions /changes are listed in Pre-release-, Beta- and Alpha-history.

V1.779 June 17th 1998 R18 Some bugs removed.
V1.773 June 5th 1998 R17 Most of the gadgets are now always accessable. Many bugs removed and some improvements made.
V1.711 May 18th 1998 R16
  • implemented much nicer and powerful Search with full AmigaDOS wildcard support (phonenumber), String Search is case sennsitive and will search the given string without wildcards
  • caller Data Files may now be moved and renamed to a new Area thru CIM, just remove the old- and enter the new areacode to the phonenumber
  • implemented width handling for Message-paragraph (In Log)
  • text is now rendered nicer on MainWindow
  • service Span string fields have now gadget activation and prefix
  • Query window text is now rendered with font width

  • In Log update-bug
  • Notify-bug
  • User Script launch-bug
  • Log Print to File-bug
  • Voice-type renamed to Known and should now work
  • added UnLock for CreateDir-function
  • and many other bugs also removed
V1.507 April 15th 1998
Some bugs fixed.
V1.504 April 14th 1998
CIM now uses System default Fonts specified in Workbench Prefs/Fonts, however Thinpaz-font is still required. Cleaned up GUI. Messages are now rendered with font width. About window is now resizeable. U-, S-, Ring- and Device gadgets are now available always if displayed. Squeezed window has now borders. Added 'send keystorkes to device' gui config. Implemented Asl-file requester whose position, size and file pattern are saveable ->Workbench 2 or better is now required to run CIM properly. Replaced some commands with functions. CIM now opens the Settings window automatically if needed configurations are not set. Many other improvements and many many bugs fixed.
V1.337 February 28th 1998
Some bugs fixed.
V1.331 February 26th 1998
Some code optimized. Implemented nicer data browse window clearing. Implemented gui config for FRC (File Remote Control) Log. Dbb window clear- and some log time bugs fixed. Implemented Save positions Query window. Implemented handling of illegal window positions. Many bugs fixed.
V1.307 February 14th 1998
Fixed About-window locale data (start time). Count Reset-Query window implemented. Config for Debug beeps and Error messages implemented. Renamed Iconify-stuff to Squeeze.
V1.299 February 12th 1998
'READ R.'-gadget bug fixed. Implemented time localing for Latest-caller and birth-data. Some other bugs fixed.
V1.253 January 21st 1998
Implemented progressive and fast window clears for Settings-window. Many bugs fixed.
V1.235 January 16th 1998
Implemented In-log update when a record is edited. Improved Fax-support. Fixed Query-window bug. Fixed List View Ring-count- and Bar update-bugs.
V1.215 January 12th 1998
Print error-bug fixed. Improved Fax-support. Implemented FRC-command: 'SERVICE-RESET'. Executed Scripts (path) are now stored to main Log-file. Improved GUI. Many bugs removed.
V1.200 January 5th 1998
Renamed 'Truncate printout' to 'Even Printout'. Many bugs fixed and some minor changes made.
V1.185 December 29th 1997
Help messages may now be disabled via GUI. String activation implemented. Input window's Cancel-gadget now works. Implemented 'Unknown to BBS'- and 'Only VIP as non BBS'-settings. Service Span values may now be inputted in fields. Made major improvements to GUI and implemented check-mark gadgets. Setting-files are now stored in own drawer. Many bugs fixed.
V1.129 December 15th 1997
Fixed many Date and Time parsing bugs and few others.
V1.117 December 13th 1997
Implemented Date and Time parsing from CID-data, added gui configuration for this function. Improved Service-support and handling. Device will now be released automatically if connected to vbs.
V1.084 December 7th 1997
Direct search-bug fixed. Renamed BBS-things to Service.
V1.081 December 7th 1997
The very first public pre-release of CIM.

1.080 December 5th 1997 Added DEVICE-ANSWER -'remote file command'
1.070 December 2nd 1997 Fixed many bugs, nearly ready for 1st pre-release.
1.059 December 1st 1997 Implemented wider serial handling with gui configuration.
1.050 November 29th 1997 Optimized the code, improved List View speed. Implemented Script Edit - double clicking the 'D'-gadget executes editor for current script. Improved BBS-support.
1.022 November 20th 1997 Optimized list view.
1.014 November 20th 1997 Fixed broken Search Next-function. Improved 'File Commands' by adding T:cim_do.executed and T:cim_do.rejected return files, added commands : LAUNCHBBSPRE and LAUNCHBBSPOST. BBS pre and post script launchin now works better.
1.002 November 18th 1997 Many bugs removed. Implemented 'File Commands', supported commands are: OPENDEVICE, RELEASEDEVICE, RESETDEVICE and QUIT. Implemented 'File Commands' configuration to 'Settings/Misc'.

0.977 November 14th 1997 Implemented Asl File Requester. Improved list view.
0.959 November 11th 1997 Created another asyncronous message window. Implemented user configurable Smart refresh. Many many bugs fixed.
0.893 November 2nd 1997 Rewrote Config handling, now all configurations are available from only one settings window idstead of 6 !
0.871 November 1st 1997 BBS pre script handling and executing was broken, fixed. User configurable Truncate print output implemented.
0.849 October 30th 1997 Rewrote Area Code save, now it finally works!
0.840 October 29th 1997 Rewrote Out Log handling, some bugs still left. Window Pop-up added with User configuration. Implemented Resume Append feature to Data Base printing. List View printing implemented.
0.768 October 17th 1997 Out Log now works again. Changes made to Area code Input. User control for window Transition added.
0.742 October 14th 1997 Made major changes to data format.
Removed few Enforcer hits and fixed few small bugs.
0.730 October 8th 1997 Doubled the size of Misc Settings Window, added control for Debug window.
0.715 October 5th 1997 Many many major and minor bugs fixed.
0.645 September 13th 1997 Out Log Editing bug fixed.
0.620 September 10th 1997 GUI cleanup and squeezing some of the windows to fit non interlaced NTSC-screens.
0.580 September 4th 1997 Editing Out Log from CIM is now possible
0.567 August 28th 1997 Localed Time and Date now works with Logs too. Message parsing was broken, fixed.
0.467 July 5th 1997 Printing from database works now better.
0.460 July 2nd 1997
0.440 June 27th 1997 Made own Asyncronous List View. List View working.
0.296 Feb. 27th 1997 Many many improvemets.. Almost ready for first public release..
0.232 Jan. 17th 1997 Source code is still under 100k
0.199 Sep. 20th 1996 Working somehow, user configuration is still in child choes
0.001 June 1st 1996

Updated: November 30th 1999.
Copyright by Jan-Erik Tervo. All rights reserved